Artificial Intelligence
Zenith Special Interest Group
Executive Primer
Artificial Intelligence
3 Types of
Artificial Intelligence:
Weak AI
▪Limited by programming –
won’t develop new skills
â–ªAnalyses preferences and
improves over time
Strong AI
â–ªLearns new skills through
â–ªApplies knowledge to plan
â–ªCan adapt as changes occur
â–ªSurpasses human
â–ªOnly exists in science
Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the financial
technology (fintech) industry, offering unprecedented
opportunities and challenges alike. As a rapidly advancing
branch of computer science, AI enables the simulation of
human thought and language through code, with recent
breakthroughs in machine learning and deep learning
propelling the field's growth.
For fintech companies, embracing AI presents a pathway to
stay competitive amid the increasing investments in AI
innovation by big tech firms. However, alongside these
opportunities, several critical challenges arise, demanding
careful attention.
In this executive briefing, we will explore the key challenges facing the fintech industry as it harnesses the
potential of AI. Specifically, we will examine the issues of bias in AI systems, the ethical implications of AI
adoption, and the importance of addressing security and maintenance concerns for AI systems.
By addressing these challenges, fintech companies can pave the way for widespread and responsible
adoption of AI tools, ensuring a safe, secure, and sustainable transformation of the financial services
In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each challenge, highlighting the Zenith program's
opportunities to assist fintech and financial services firms in overcoming these hurdles and unlocking the full
potential of AI technology. In our appendices, we will brief you on the landscape of each underlying
Biases in AI Systems
Key Highlights
â–ªAI algorithms can
inherit biases from the
data they are trained
on, leading to unfair
and discriminatory
â–ªIdentifying and
mitigating bias in AI
systems is crucial to
building trust and
ensuring ethical AI
â–ªBiases in AI can have
consequences in
sensitive domains such
as finance, impacting
customer satisfaction
and regulatory
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are prone to inheriting biases present in the data used for their training.
Technologies such as Data Annotation and Data Quality & Observability play vital roles in identifying potential
biases and ensuring that training data is diverse and representative. By incorporating these technologies, fintech
companies can reduce the risk of biased AI outcomes and promote fairness in their algorithms.
By adopting Synthetic Data generating practices, fintech companies
can broaden the training data sets to include more diverse
demographics in their customer data to improve the quality of the data
To ensure ethical AI adoption, fintech companies should also invest in
technologies that relate to Model Validation & Monitoring. These
technologies help in understanding how AI models arrive at decisions,
making the decision-making process more transparent and
interpretable for customers and regulators.
To tackle biases effectively, fintech firms should adopt strategies such as diverse and representative data
collection, regular audits, and fairness-aware machine learning algorithms. Transparency in AI decision-making
can also aid in identifying potential biases and gaining customer trust.
Ethical Implications of AI Adoption
Key Highlights
â–ªEthical considerations
in AI adoption involve
privacy, transparency,
fairness, and
â–ªFintech companies
must balance AI-driven
innovation with
societal and ethical
â–ªResponsible AI
practices enhance
brand reputation and
foster long-term
customer loyalty.
As fintech companies embrace AI-driven innovation, they must navigate the ethical implications associated
with its adoption. Ethical considerations involve ensuring customer privacy, maintaining transparency in AI
decision-making, promoting fairness in algorithms, and being accountable for AI-driven outcomes.
To address ethical concerns related to data privacy, fintech companies should implement
Data De-Identification techniques. These technologies protect sensitive customer information while still
allowing AI models to derive valuable insights.
Transparency and explain-ability are vital to address ethical concerns in AI adoption. Consumers and
regulators are increasingly demanding explanations for AI-driven decisions. To enhance transparency, fintech
firms should adopt Interpretable AI models and establish clear communication channels to explain the logic
behind AI recommendations.
Fintech companies should acknowledge their responsibility for AI-driven
outcomes and establish mechanisms to rectify errors and address
customer complaints. Being accountable for AI systems' behaviour
fosters trust and loyalty among customers and stakeholders.
Responsible AI practices not only align with societal values but also
enhance the reputation of fintech companies. Customers are more likely
to engage with companies that demonstrate a commitment to ethical AI
practices, leading to long-term customer loyalty and sustainable growth.
Interpretable AI Explainable AI
Small models that
are inherently
e.g. Small decision
trees or linear
models with a small
number of input
The process of
applying a method
that models the
output of a more
complex model
This is performed
after model training
has been
Security & Maintenance Concerns
of Artificial Intelligence
Key Highlights
â–ªThe integration of AI in
fintech increases
cybersecurity risks and
â–ªContinuous monitoring
and updates are
essential to ensure the
robustness and
reliability of AI
â–ªInvesting in AI security
and maintenance is a
proactive approach to
safeguarding financial
data and operations.
While AI offers transformative opportunities for fintech, it also introduces new cybersecurity risks and
vulnerabilities. The integration of AI in financial services creates potential entry points for cyber threats,
necessitating a proactive approach to security and maintenance.
Technologies like Resource Optimisation and Machine Learning Deployment are essential in enhancing AI
system robustness. These technologies ensure that AI models are efficiently deployed and managed,
minimizing potential vulnerabilities and optimizing real-time resource usage.
AI can also play a pivotal role in fraud
prevention and risk mitigation within fintech.
Implementing AI-driven Fraud Detection
systems enhances the security of financial
transactions and improves overall risk
Considering the rapid evolution of cyber
threats, fintech companies must stay informed
about emerging security challenges and invest
in state-of-the-art AI security technologies.
Collaborating with industry experts and
sharing insights on security best practices can
further fortify fintech systems against
potential threats.
Zenith Opportunities
Benefits of Exploration
Through Zenith
1. Common frameworks for
adoption can be
2. Reduce internal expertise
limitations through
community engagement
3. Time-to-market of
exploration in innovation
labs reduced
4. Reserve resources for
high-value development
5. Interoperability improves
adoption across the
6. Keep in step with
security, standards, and
new feature development
7. Benefit from community
contributions across key
8. Empower, retain, and
attract innovators and
AI Themes
In the Appendix, we have outlined 12 key themes that serve as innovation verticals
within the Zenith program.
These themes encompass cutting-edge technologies and trends in Artificial
Embracing these themes will drive transformative advancements in fintech, fostering
collaboration, and collective innovation within our foundation.
We have identified 26 crucial blockers impeding the widespread adoption of AI
technologies in the fintech industry. These will be posted on the Zenith site and
To address these challenges, we call upon the wider development community to
propose open source solutions through the Zenith program.
Together, we can leverage the power of collective expertise to overcome these
obstacles and shape the future of AI-powered fintech solutions.
Join us in our mission to create secure, transparent, and ethical AI applications that
redefine the financial services landscape.
Data Sheets
â–ªAI Chipsets
â–ªAI-Driven Fraud
â–ªComputer Vision
â–ªData Annotation
â–ªData De-Identification
â–ªData Quality &
â–ªGenerative AI
â–ªMachine Learning
Platforms & Deployment
â–ªModel Validation &
â–ªNatural Language
â–ªResource Optimisation
â–ªSynthetic Data
â–ªVersion Control &
Experiment Tracking
This report uses Technology Readiness Levels. For more information as to this
classification system, please refer to 1
AI Chipsets
Specialized processors
designed to accelerate AI
computations, enabling faster
and more efficient AI model
training and inference.
In fintech, AI chipsets drive
advancements, powering
complex algorithms for fraud
detection, risk assessment,
and personalized financial
The high-performance
computing capabilities of AI
chipsets empower fintech
companies to deliver real-
time, data-intensive services,
transforming the way
financial institutions operate
and serve their customers.
You can find out more about
this subject in our AI Chipset
Primer on the Zenith GitHub.
Surging Demand
for applications
Deep learning
Need for
fast/efficient data
Regulatory pressure to
improve fraud detection
Cost savings through AI-
driven automation
Integration across multiple
AI-powered data analytics
Desire to enhance financial
inclusivity & accessibility
Legacy hardware
Traditional financial services
requiring adaptation
Skill shifts in job market as AI
impacts workforce
Faster & more accurate decision making
Risk mgmt. & fraud detection capabilities
Real-time data processing for insights
Optimised AI model training on chipsets
AI-powers Fintech expands market reach
Increased investment for innovative startups
Data storage and integration chipsets
Collaboration with data/chipset manufacturers
Disruption to trad. hardware supply chains
Success of
accelerated AI
model training
Scalability of AI
chipsets for high
volume data
Need for continuous upskilling to ensure
workforce proficiency
Growing ecosystem
of service providers
Availability of dev
tools & frameworks
Need for continuous upskilling to ensure
chipsets are implemented correctly
Data privacy
challenges with
legacy hardware
Regulatory compliance complexities
Short term
Initial adoption and
integration of chipsets
Medium term
Widespread deployment
in financial services
Long term
Evolution of chipsets for
autonomous solutions
Potential delays in
advancements and
Market resistance and
scepticism in AI-decision
Ethical considerations
surrounding responsible
AI chipsets offer a compelling opportunity for fintech, revolutionizing financial services through accelerated AI computations. Advancements in specialized hardware enable groundbreaking
applications in fraud detection, risk assessment, and personalized financial recommendations. The high-performance computing capabilities of AI chipsets empower real-time, data-intensive
financial services, transforming traditional banking and ushering in a new era of customer-centric financial experiences. Despite technical feasibility and potential financial benefits, challenges
like data privacy, regulatory compliance, and integration frictions require careful navigation. With a promising future outlook, early adoption and collaboration between fintech players and AI
chipset manufacturers will play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of AI-driven fintech innovation.
Fraud Detection
This leverages advanced
machine learning algorithms
to detect and prevent
fraudulent activities in real-
In fintech, this technology
acts as a vigilant security
layer, continuously analysing
vast volumes of financial data
to identify suspicious
patterns and transactions.
By swiftly detecting and
mitigating fraud, AI-driven
systems protect financial
assets, preserve customer
trust, and enhance overall
cybersecurity in the rapidly
evolving digital financial
You can find out more about
this subject in our AI Chipset
Primer on the Zenith GitHub.
Escalating cyber
AI advancements
increase accuracy
& efficiency
Growing adoption
of digital financial
Regulatory mandates &
compliance reqs.
Significant cost
saving through
loss prevention
Brand reputation
& Consumer trust
Widespread adoption leads
to collective intelligence
Collaborative Industry-wide
defence strategy
Increased trust in FS
promotes further adoption
Cybercriminals facing more
evolved systems
Legacy fraud detection
losing competitiveness
Shift in the dynamics of
financial crime investigation
toward automation
Superior fraud detection & reduced losses
Enhanced customer trust & loyalty
Real-time response capabilities to incidents
Cost savings & less post-fraud investigations
Customer retention through reputation
Investments & partnerships for potential
applications following successful tests
Integration of AI-driven solutions to core infra
Collaboration between AI solution providers,
data aggregators & financial entities
Potential changes in risk assessment and
underwriting of Financial Services
success in real world
Scalability of AI
models to process
vast volumes of data
Continuous improvement and refinement of ML
models to adapt to evolving threat landscape
Readily available
dev. frameworks
Growing ecosystem
of talent working
with AI tools
Need for continuous upskilling to keep up with
emerging fraud techniques
Data privacy
Over-reliance on AI
models leading to
blind spots
Regulatory compliance complexities in
explainability of models
Short term
Integration efforts into
security infrastructure
Medium term
Industry-wide adoption &
increased reliance
Long term
Evolution of AI-driven
responses to emerging
fraud techniques
False negatives where AI
fails to detect new or
adaptive fraud patterns
Adversarial attacks
targeting AI models to
manipulate outcomes
Potential overfitting or
bias in AI models
affecting accuracy and/or
fairness of detection
AI-driven fraud detection represents a significant opportunity in fintech, providing real-time protection against sophisticated cyber threats. Advanced machine learning algorithms analyse vast
financial data to swiftly identify and prevent fraudulent activities, safeguarding financial assets and customer trust. Collaboration between fintech companies, financial institutions, and
cybersecurity experts is driving the development and adoption of robust fraud prevention solutions. The technology's impact is far-reaching, with macro network effects and improved
cybersecurity across the digital financial landscape. While the potential for financial benefits and competitive advantages is substantial, the implementation of AI-driven fraud detection requires
careful consideration of technical feasibility, frictions, and risks. By striking the right balance between innovation and responsible use, AI-driven fraud detection will continue to transform the
way financial entities combat financial crime, contributing to a more secure and trusted financial ecosystem.
Computer Vision
An AI technology that
enables machines to
interpret and understand
visual information.
In fintech, computer vision
revolutionizes various
processes, from automating
document verification and
identity recognition to
analysing financial charts and
visualizing data patterns.
By harnessing the power of
computer vision, fintech
companies streamline
operations, enhance user
experiences, and unlock
valuable insights from visual
data, driving efficiency and
You can find out more about
this subject in our AI Chipset
Primer on the Zenith GitHub.
availability of HQ
visual data
Growing demand
for automation &
Rising interest in
data-driven FS
decision making
Competitive advantage
through visualising
complex data
improvements to
fraud detection
Need for fast &
accurate ID & docs
More focus on visual
interaction with data
Combination of computer
vision with other AI tech
Improved accessibility &
inclusivity via automation
Obsolescence creates need
to adapt to automation
Conventional data analysis
methods challenged
Shift in the skill set required
within FS Operational tasks
Quick & seamless document processing
Enhanced security through adv. verification
Data-driven decision making for strategy
Automation of labour intensive doc verification
Higher customer engagement & satisfaction
Demonstration of technological leadership &
innovation of products with customer focus
Integration of end-to-end operations
Collaboration required to meet specific
industry needs
Streamlining of data collection & analysis
Real-world demos of
visual data
Scalability to handle
large-scale real-time
Continuous improvement and refinement
required to improve accuracy & efficiency
Readily available
libraries, APIs and
Growing ecosystem
of collaborating
Need for continuous upskilling to keep up with
new data use cases
Data privacy
concerns over
considerations when
decision making
Potential biases affecting financial data analysis
& decision outcomes
Short term
Document verification
and basic data analysis
Medium term
Widespread POCs for
other FS operations
Long term
Augmented Reality based
financial interactions
Technical challenges
affecting decision making
Regulatory compliance in
ID verification &
customer data processing
Market resistance to
automated interpretation
of visual data
Computer vision technology holds immense potential in transforming fintech processes, enabling machines to interpret and understand visual information. Fintech companies are leveraging
computer vision to automate document verification, enhance fraud detection, and gain valuable insights from complex financial data. The technology's impact extends to improved user
experiences, data-driven decision-making, and increased efficiency in financial operations. While the opportunity is significant, challenges related to technical feasibility, ethical considerations,
and regulatory compliance must be addressed. The future outlook for computer vision in fintech is promising, with a gradual timeline for adoption and a need for careful risk management and
responsible implementation. By capitalizing on the benefits and addressing frictions, computer vision will play a pivotal role in driving innovation and efficiency in the evolving landscape of
fintech services.